Sunday, December 30, 2007

1758 Land From John Perdue To His Son William Perdue

1758 Deed of Gift to William Perdue.

The elder John Perdue gave his second son, William Perdue, the other 200 acres of the 400 land grant in Amelia County on 23 Feb 1758.

Amelia County, Virgina Deed Book 6, page 158.

Abstracted as follows:

"John Perdue, the Elder of Amelia Co... to William Perdue... the said
John Perdue, the father for love & affection to his son, William Perdue
hath granted...200 A lying & being in Amelia Co. on Winticomack Creek
being the Upper Half of a greater tract of 400 A, bounded:

Beginning at a corner on Tesdales line running
South 63 degrees West to a corner black jack, thence
North 5 degrees West to a corner pine on Munford's line, thence
North 18 degrees East to another corner in his line, thence
North 35 degrees East to another corner in Munford's line, thence
East  35 degrees  South to Coleman's line, thence
South 28 degrees West to the beginning."

At a court held for Amelia County on 23rd of Feb, 1758.
Ack. by John Perdue.

Genealogy is never done, it is always a Work in Progress!

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