A inventory of the estate of Joh(n) Pardue deceased taken by James Moore Snr? Sarah Perdue
To wit - - -
Three negromen, peter WIll & Jack, & fore head Horse kind, & Sixtean head of Cattle, & eightean Head of hogs, to be found & fore head of Sheep, & fiftean Geese, & fore beds, three with firneture, & 25 lb of feathers, Three pots, too chests, & too trunks, Puter, two dishes, Six basons & ten plates, & three ?? heals, fore pair Cards, two mens Sadles & bridles, one womans Sadle, one Smith's anvil & bellos, one vise to hammers, one Set of Shoe makers tools, one Set wedges, & seven milling hose, fore grubing hose, fore axes, & one Crosscut Saw, one hand saw, & one Set of Coppers tools, one Coffepot, one horse bell, fore knifes, & seven forks, one table, too pails, one butter pots, too punch bowls, two mugs one Jug, & Some Spoons, one pair of fire tong, one frying pan, five reephooks, one cart, two pair Trace harnes, & one pair of tug? harnes, one plow two old plow hoes, two augars, & three Chisels, one old ?Hhd, & five old barrils, one washing tub, too bibles - To testaments, & Six Speling books, one looking glass,
Cash by to 34 4 0
in proc 5 10 0
Cash by Corn 5 0
Part no
North Carolina Bute County August Court 1769
This Inventory was returned by the Executors on oath and Same is Ordered be Recorded
Test Ben McCulloch C.C.
An Additional Inventory of the Estate of John Pardue, Decd
Eleaven ponds Virginia money due to the estate of John Pardue deceased 1 Grind Stone 1 spice morter and pestle 1 pair of ???? 1 pair of money Scales 1 pair cotten scales 1 Gun and 1 sword 1 Box Iron 1 curry Comb 1 Candlesick 3 Beaves Hides 1 Tea canister 1 Pockit Book 6 Chairs 4 ???1 gauge 1 pare of sheep sheirs
Sarah X Pardue Extrx
North Carolina Bute County November Court 1769
This addl. Inventory of the Estate of John Pardue decd was read into Court by Sarah Pardue Executrix on Oath, and the same was ordered to be recorded.
Test Ben: McCuloch C.C.
Genealogy is never done; it is always a work in progress!